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Upcoming Youth Events

Youth Weekly Events

We recognize that as much as the opportunities our children have to learn Torah in school are foundational, the opportunities they have to learn Torah outside of school, especially in shul, without the pressure of grades, can be equally, and sometimes, even more impactful.  These opportunities have always been at the core of our shul mission.

We are thrilled to announce the following expansion of our youth learning opportunities.

Herman Jenkelowitz Memorial Gemara Shiur Sunday Morning Boys(8:45-9:15 AM)

Boys from the age of Bar Mitzvah and up are invited to a new half hour gemara shiur immediately  following Shacharit on Sunday mornings beginning on 9/22.  This year, we will aim to complete  Masechet Ta'anit.

Sunday Morning Boys Mishnah  (9:15-9:45 AM) 

Boys from 4th grade through Bar Mitzvah are invited to continue learning Mishnah on Sunday mornings beginning on 9/22.  This year, we will learn Masechet Pesachim.  

Shabbat Afternoon Girls Mishnah

This past Spring, we launched a wonderful Girls Mishnah program for Girls from 4th grade through 7th grade.  We will continue learning every Shabbat afternoon at rotating hosts.  We are currently learning Pirkei Avot.  As the clock changes, we will move the learning to Motzaei Shabbat.

Once the clock changes, we will resume our weekly Motzaei Shabbat Pizza Parent Child Learning program.

Every Shabbat morning, I am privileged to spend time with all of our children during groups, learning on a differentiated basis for a few minutes with all of our children, in all of the different youth groups.  This, of course, is in addition to the wonderful weekly davening and learning which takes place under the direction of our outstanding youth director, Morah Bayla Hayat.


To become a sponsor for one of these programs, please be in touch with me at


Shabbat Youth Schedule

Shabbat Youth Schedule 

9:15-11:15 AM Youth Groups Grades Prek - 5th.

Please contact the office with questions.

Welcome to our New Youth Director Bayla Hayat

Bayla has been a superstar early childhood teacher at Ben Porat Yosef, and most recently, at Tenafly Chabad Academy. She brings a passion and artistry to all of her teaching, and we feel deeply blessed to have Bayla taking the helm of our youth department. 

Dr. Walter and Betty Hauser Shabbat Afternoon Youth Parshah in the Park

Stay tuned for details

Jewish Boy Scout Troop

Jewish Scout Troop Weekly Meetings

Wed at 7:30 pm. Classroom 104

Shomer Shabbat Boy Scout Troop;  Boys in 6th - 12th grades; activities are held throughout the winter and summer months.

All boys in grade 6 through high school are invited to join Boy Scout Troop 226, a Jewish Scout troop meeting weekly at the Jewish Center of Teaneck.

The troop is the only Shomer Shabbat Boy Scout troop in Bergen County.

Activities are held throughout the winter and summer months, including day hikes and overnight camping trips to Harriman State Park in New York, rock climbing, ski trips, a high-adventure canoe trek in the Adirondacks, and two weeks at Forestburg Scout Reservation in New York. The troop also participates in trips and conclaves with other shomer Shabbat Scout troops.

Scouts have the opportunity to earn merit badges and rank advancements under the guidance of senior Scout leaders and adult advisers.

Call Scoutmaster Daniel Chazin at (201) 836-7019, or e-mail

Cub Scouts 613

Cub Scout Pack 613, now located at the JCOT, invite boys K-4th grade to our exciting, fun, programs.  We have trips, outdoor activities, and wholesome activities that support middos and derech eretz that we hold dear in the community.  For more information, contact or check out our facebook

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785