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Upcoming Youth Events

Shabbat Youth Schedule

Shabbat Youth Schedule 

9:00-11:00 AM Youth Groups Grades Prek - 5th.

Please contact the office with questions.

Herman Jenkelowitz Memorial Mishnah Program for 5th-8th Graders- Sunday Mornings

Our Herman Jenkelowitz z’l Memorial Mishnayot program for 5th-8th graders at Jewish Center of Teaneck 9-9:30 AM on Sunday. Contact for info.

Welcome to our New Youth Directors Rav Netanel and Chana Moriah Dahan

Dr. Walter and Betty Hauser Shabbat Afternoon Youth Parshah in the Park

Stay tuned for details

Jewish Boy Scout Troop

Jewish Scout Troop Weekly Meetings

Wed at 7:30 pm. Classroom 104

Shomer Shabbat Boy Scout Troop;  Boys in 6th - 12th grades; activities are held throughout the winter and summer months.

All boys in grade 6 through high school are invited to join Boy Scout Troop 226, a Jewish Scout troop meeting weekly at the Jewish Center of Teaneck.

The troop is the only Shomer Shabbat Boy Scout troop in Bergen County.

Activities are held throughout the winter and summer months, including day hikes and overnight camping trips to Harriman State Park in New York, rock climbing, ski trips, a high-adventure canoe trek in the Adirondacks, and two weeks at Forestburg Scout Reservation in New York. The troop also participates in trips and conclaves with other shomer Shabbat Scout troops.

Scouts have the opportunity to earn merit badges and rank advancements under the guidance of senior Scout leaders and adult advisers.

Call Scoutmaster Daniel Chazin at (201) 836-7019, or e-mail

Cub Scouts 613

Cub Scout Pack 613, now located at the JCOT, invite boys K-4th grade to our exciting, fun, programs.  We have trips, outdoor activities, and wholesome activities that support middos and derech eretz that we hold dear in the community.  For more information, contact or check out our facebook

Mon, September 9 2024 6 Elul 5784