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Adult Education

Ruvin Fridman Memorial Tanach Series

Every Monday night at 8:o0 PM

Please click here for sources. 

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Meeting ID: 484 416 0645

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 If you have any questions, please email the office at Thank you 

Rabbi Solomon and Bella Gopin Weekly Rambam Shabbat Shiur

Please join Rabbi Fridman every Shabbat morning for his weekly advanced Rambam Shiur before davening

The shiur will focus on careful, textual analysis of the Rambam's presentation of the Mitzvah of Tefillah. 

Sources will be provided. 

JCT/BMT Partnership

The Beit Midrash of Teaneck, located at JCT/Heichal HaTorah, 70 Sterling Pl, Teaneck, would like to welcome Bergen County to our 5784 Spring Semester, with weekly Tuesday shiurim on Parsha & Jewish History, which are open to both men & women.

 Parsha shiur (10:30-11:30am)  Jewish History shiur (11:45-12:45)

Changes every week. 

We invite men and women to participate in Rabbi Angel’s Melakhim Aleph shiur which meets on Monday & Wednesdays from 12-12:45 in person, and over zoom.

Rabbi Chaim Marcus’s “Character Development Through Torah” Wed @ 11:00 is open to women

Full BMT men’s program – M thru W, 9:15-12:45

Please contact Rebbetzin Leah Feldman at for more information or to be included on the mailing list.

Leaves of Faith Book Club 


Please contact with any questions.


Thu, January 16 2025 16 Tevet 5785