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Rabbi Fridman's Recorded Shiurim

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Mishnah Brachot

Mishnah Brachot 1:1 Keriat Shema shel Arvit 10/24/19

Mishnah Brachot 1:2 Keriat Shema shel Shacharit 10/25/19

Mishnah Brachot 1:3 Beit Hillel, Beit Shammai, and the Lesson of R. Tarfon 10/28/19

Mishnah Brachot 1:4 Birchot Keriat Shema 10/29/2019

Mishnah Brachot 1:5 Zechirat Yetziat Mitzraim 10/30/19

Mishnah Brachot 2:110/31/19

Mishnah Brachot 2:2 11/1/19

Mishnah Brachot 2:3 11/4/19

Mishnah Brachot 2:4 11/5/19

Mishnah Brachot 2:5 11/6/19

Mishnah Brachot 2:6 Rabban Gamaliel, Aveilut, and Istinus 11/8/19

Mishnah Brachot 2:7 Status of Eved Kina'ani, and Tevi as Outlier

Mishnah Brachot 2:8 Keriat Shema and Yohara 11/12/19

Mishnah Brachot 3:1 Principles of Aninut 11/13/19

Mishnah Brachot 3:2 Keriat Shema, Kevurah, and Nichum Aveilim 11/14/19

Mishnah Brachot 3:3 11/15/19

Mishnah Brachot 3:4 Takkanat Ezra 11/18/19

Mishnah Brachot 3:5 Takkanat Ezra II 11/19/19

Mishnah Brachot 3:6 Zav SheRa'ah Keri 11/20/19

Mishnah Brachot: Introduction to Chapter 4- Mitzvat Tefillah 11/22/19

Mishnah Brachot 4:1 Seder Ha-Tefillot 11/26/19

Mishnah Brachot 4:2 R' Nechunyah BenHaKanah 11/27/19

Mishnah Brachot 4:3 Me’Ein Shemoneh Esreh 12/3/19

Mishnah Brachot 4:4 Tefillah Ketzarah B’Makom Sakanah 12/3/19

Mishnah Brachot 4:5-6 Air Travel 12/4/19

Mishnah Brachot 4:7 Tefillat HaMusafin 12/9/19

Mishnah Brachot 5:1 Transitioning to Tefillah- Chasidim Rishonim 12/9/19

Mishnah Brachot 5:2 Gevurot Geshamim, She'eilat Geshamim, Havdalah 12/9/19

Mishnah Brachot 5:3 Reasons for Mitzvot 12/10/19

Mishnah Brachot 5:4 Laws of Birkat Kohanim 12/11/19

Mishnah Brachot 5:5 12/13/19

Mishnah Brachot: Introduction to Birchot HaNehenin 12/13/19

Mishnah Brachot 6:1 Objective and Subjective Elements of Birchot HaNehenin 12/17/19

Mishnah Brachot 6:2-3 The Role of Shehakol, and Min shel Kelalah 12/18/19

Mishnah Brachot 6:4 Shivat HaMinim and Chaviv 12/23/19

Mishnah Brachot 6:5 Yayin and Parperet 12/23/19

Mishnah Brachot 6:6 Discharging Others' Obligation in Birchot HaNehenin; Birkhat HaReiach 12/24/19

Mishnah Brachot 6:7 Birkat HaMazon: R' Gamaliel, Chachamim, and R. Akiva 12/31/19

Mishnah Brachot 7:2 Mezumin for Women 1/3/20

Mishnah Brachot 7:3 R.Akiva and R. Yomi Ha-Gelili 1/3/20

Mishnah Brachot: Introduction to Chapter Eight- Hillel and Shammai 1/8/20

Mishnah Brachot 8:1 The Nature of Kiddush 1/8/20

Mishnah Brachot 8:2 1/9/20

Mishnah Brachot 8:2 (Part II) 1/15/2020

Mishnah Brachot 8:3 Mayim Acharonim 1/15/20

Mishnah Brachot 8:4-5 Havdalah 1/15/20

Mishnah Brachot 8:7 Birkat HaMazon in the Place where One Eats 1/27/20

Mishnah Brachot 8:8 Bentsching with a Cup of Wine 1/28/20

Mishnah Brachot 9:2 Natural Phenomenon 1/30/20

Mishnah Brachot 9:3 1/31/20

Mishnah Brachot 9:4 2/4/2020

Mishnah Brachot 9:5 Dayyan HaEmet 2/5/20

Mishnah Brachot 9:6 2/6/20

Mishnayot Rosh Hashana

Mishnayot Yomi

Mishnah Brachot 9:1-2 10/03/18

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Mishnah Brachot 9:5 10/7/18

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Mishnah Yomi 1 Cheshvan 5779: Introduction to Masekhet Sanhedrin 10/9/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 1:1-2 10/10/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 1:3-4 10/11/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 1:5 10/14/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 1:6 10/15/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 2:1 Kohen Gadol 10/16/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 2:2 Melech 10/17/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 2:3 Melech Part II 10/18/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 2:4 Melech III: Marriage, Horses, Money, Sefer Torah 10/21/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 2:5 Melech IV 10/22/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 3.1 Zeh Borer 10/23/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 3:2-3 Kiblu Alayhu, Psulei Edut 10/24/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 3.4 Karov, Ohev, Soneh 10/25/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 3.5 Witness Interogation 11/5/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 3.6 Evidence and Witnesses: Principles of Admissibility 11/6/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 4.1 Monetary and Capital Cases- Distinctions and Differences 11/7/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 4.2 Structure of Sanhedrin 11/8/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 4.4 Warning Witnesses- A Life is an Entire World 11/12/18

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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-Rabbi Feldman 4th Yahrzeit 11/13/18

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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-5:1-3 Chakirot and Bedikot 11/14/18

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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-5:4 Further Asymmetries to Acquit 11/18/18

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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-5-5 Adding Judges 11/19/18

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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-6-3 Confession prior to Execution 11/25/18

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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-6:3-5 The Laws of Stoning & Hanging Part I 11/27/18

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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-6-5 Hanging & Human Dignity  11/28/18

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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-6-6 Seperate Buriel Plots, Aninut and Aveilut 11/29/18

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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin 7:1-2 Four Capital Punishments as Mitzvot, and the Procedure of Sereifah 12/3/18

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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-7:3-4 Decapitation and Strangulation 12/4/18

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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-7:4  Animals and Capital Punishment, Birkat HaShem 12/12/18

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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-7:5  Molech, Ov, Yidoni 12/13/18

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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-Mishnah Sanhedrin 7:7 Shabbat and Cursing Parents 12/16/18

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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-7:3a Avodah Zarah 12/17/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 7:7-8 Na’arah Meorasa and Mesit 12/19/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 7:9-10 Mediach and Mechashef 12/20/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin Introduction to Chapter 8: Ben Sorer U’Moreh 12/23/18

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Mishnah Sanhedrin 8:1-2 Ben Sorer U'Moreh- Age, Gender, Consumption of Meat and Wine. 12/24/18

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Mishna Sanhedrin 8:3 12/27/18

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Mishna Sanhedrin 8:5-6 Ben Sorer U'Moreh- Invalidations based on Parents, Process of Warning, Sentencing 12/30/18

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Mishna Sanhedrin 8:6 Ben Sorer u’Moreh Nidon al Shem Sofo 12/31/18

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Mishna Sanhedrin 8:7-8 Ba bi-Machteret and Din Rodef 1/1/19

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Mishna Sanhedrin 9:1 Nisrafin/Neheragin 1/2/19

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Mishna Sanhedrin 9:2-3 Defining Rotzeach, Kipah, Danin bi-Kalah 1/6/19

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Mishna Sanhedrin 9:4-5 1/7/19

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Mishna Sanhedrin 9:6 Kana'im Pogim Bo: Killings of Zealousness 1/8/19

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Mishna Sanhedrin10:1-3 HaChelek: Rambam vs. Bartenua on Definition of Olam HaBa 1/10/19

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Mishna Sanhedrin Perek ha-Chelek 10:4-5 The Wayward City

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Mishna Sanhedrin Chelek 10:6 Ir Ha-Nidachat: Significance of Rechov Ha-Ir, Hekdesh, Balance Destruction of Avodah Zarah with Yishuvo shel Olam1/15/19

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Mishna Sanhedrin 11:4-6 Zaken Mamre, Navi Sheker 1/24/19

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Introduction to Masekhet Makkot 1/27/19

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Masekhet Makkot 1:1 1/28/19

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Masekhet Makkot 1:2-3 Lokeh Eino Mishalem, Mishalshin BiMammon 1/29/19

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Masekhet Makkot 1:4-5 Eidim Zommimin (Continued) 1/30/19

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Masekhet Makkot 1:6-7 Eidim Zommimin (Continued)- Trei Ki’Me’ah, Nigmar HaDin 1/31/19

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Masekhet Makkot 1:8 Nimtza Echad Menem Karov U'Pasul, Monetary vs. Capital Cases, Relationship between Testimony and Warning 2/3/19

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Masekhet Makkot 1:9 Testimony and Witnesses 2/4/19

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Masekhet Makkot 1:10 Capital Punishment in the Crosshairs 2/5/19

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Masekhet Review of Perek 1  2/6/19

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Masekhet Makkot: Introduction to the Second Perek: Categories of Intentionality.

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Masekhet Makkot 2:1 Derech. Yeridah, and Koach Kocho  2/10/19

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Masekhet  Mishnah Makkot 2:2 2/11/19

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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 2:2 (Continued) Two Versions of Ra’avad on שליח בית דין  2/12/19

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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 2:3 Father and Son, Blind, and Hatred 2/13/19

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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 2:4-5: Ir Miklat, Location, Mitzvah on Beit Din to Clear Path, Role of Talmidei Chachamim, Difference between Cities of Levi'im and Six Designated Cities of Refuge 2/14/19

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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 2:6 The Link to the Kohen Gadol” 2/18/19

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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 2:7 Leaving the Ir Miklat; Techum Ir Miklat; Ilan/Nof; Shechunah L'Shechunah; Levi she'Harag; 2/19/19

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Masekhet Mishnah Mishnah Makkot 2:8 Kavod in Ir Miklat, Taxes, and Serara 2/20/19

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Masekhet Mishnah  Makkot Chapter 2: Full Review 2/21/19

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Masekhet Mishnah  Makkot Introduction to Chapter Three: Malkut as a Punishment 2/24/19

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Masekhet Mishnah  Makkot 3:1 Chiyuvei Keritut 2/25/19

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Masekhet Mishnah  Makkot 3:2 Biryah and Ki-Zayit 2/26/19

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Masekhet Mishnah  Makkot 3:3 Lav She'Ein Bo Ma'aseh 2/27/19

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Masekhet Mishnah  Makkot 3:4 Lav ha-NItak La-Aseh 2/28/19

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Masekhet Mishnah  Makkot 3:5-7 Serita, Koreach, Mashchit,Makif, Keyovet Ka’aka, Nazir  3/5/19

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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 3: 8-9 Nazir B'Giluach V'Tumat Met, Kilayi, Choresh Telem V'Avar B'Shmoneh 3/6/19

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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 3:9-11 Process of Malkot  3/7/19

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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 3:13 Process of Lashes: Shoulders and Heart  3/10/19

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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot  3:14 ViNikla Achicha L’Einecha 3/11/19

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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 3:1Makkot as Restorative and Transformative 3/12/19

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Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784