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10 Minutes of Torah in the Car-Mishnayot Yomi
Rabbi Fridman's Recorded Shiurim
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Masechet Megillah
Introduction to Masechet Megillah 2/7/20
Megillah 1:1 Dates for Megillah Reading 2/10/20
Mishnah Yomi Megillah 1:2 Megillah on Shabbat; Villages, Cities, Walled Cities 2/11/20
Mishnah Megillah 1:4 Adar Rishon and Adar Sheni 2/13/20
Mishnah Megillah 1:5-6 2/18/20
Mishnah Megillah 1: 7-8 2/18/20
Mishnah Megillah 1:9-11 2/18/20
Mishnah Megillah 2:3-5 2/21/20
Mishnah Megillah 3:1-2 2/24/20
Mishnah Megillah 3:3-4 Devarim SheBiKedushah 2/25/20
Mishnah Megillah 3:5-6 2/26/20
Mishnah Megillah 3:7-9 2/28/20
Mishnah Megillah 4:1 Ma’alin BaKodesh 3/3/20
Mishnah Brachot
Mishnah Brachot 1:1 Keriat Shema shel Arvit 10/24/19
Mishnah Brachot 1:2 Keriat Shema shel Shacharit 10/25/19
Mishnah Brachot 1:3 Beit Hillel, Beit Shammai, and the Lesson of R. Tarfon 10/28/19
Mishnah Brachot 1:4 Birchot Keriat Shema 10/29/2019
Mishnah Brachot 1:5 Zechirat Yetziat Mitzraim 10/30/19
Mishnah Brachot 2:110/31/19
Mishnah Brachot 2:6 Rabban Gamaliel, Aveilut, and Istinus 11/8/19
Mishnah Brachot 2:7 Status of Eved Kina'ani, and Tevi as Outlier
Mishnah Brachot 2:8 Keriat Shema and Yohara 11/12/19
Mishnah Brachot 3:1 Principles of Aninut 11/13/19
Mishnah Brachot 3:2 Keriat Shema, Kevurah, and Nichum Aveilim 11/14/19
Mishnah Brachot 3:4 Takkanat Ezra 11/18/19
Mishnah Brachot 3:5 Takkanat Ezra II 11/19/19
Mishnah Brachot 3:6 Zav SheRa'ah Keri 11/20/19
Mishnah Brachot: Introduction to Chapter 4- Mitzvat Tefillah 11/22/19
Mishnah Brachot 4:1 Seder Ha-Tefillot 11/26/19
Mishnah Brachot 4:2 R' Nechunyah BenHaKanah 11/27/19
Mishnah Brachot 4:3 Me’Ein Shemoneh Esreh 12/3/19
Mishnah Brachot 4:4 Tefillah Ketzarah B’Makom Sakanah 12/3/19
Mishnah Brachot 4:5-6 Air Travel 12/4/19
Mishnah Brachot 4:7 Tefillat HaMusafin 12/9/19
Mishnah Brachot 5:1 Transitioning to Tefillah- Chasidim Rishonim 12/9/19
Mishnah Brachot 5:2 Gevurot Geshamim, She'eilat Geshamim, Havdalah 12/9/19
Mishnah Brachot 5:3 Reasons for Mitzvot 12/10/19
Mishnah Brachot 5:4 Laws of Birkat Kohanim 12/11/19
Mishnah Brachot: Introduction to Birchot HaNehenin 12/13/19
Mishnah Brachot 6:1 Objective and Subjective Elements of Birchot HaNehenin 12/17/19
Mishnah Brachot 6:2-3 The Role of Shehakol, and Min shel Kelalah 12/18/19
Mishnah Brachot 6:4 Shivat HaMinim and Chaviv 12/23/19
Mishnah Brachot 6:5 Yayin and Parperet 12/23/19
Mishnah Brachot 6:6 Discharging Others' Obligation in Birchot HaNehenin; Birkhat HaReiach 12/24/19
Mishnah Brachot 6:7 Birkat HaMazon: R' Gamaliel, Chachamim, and R. Akiva 12/31/19
Mishnah Brachot 7:2 Mezumin for Women 1/3/20
Mishnah Brachot 7:3 R.Akiva and R. Yomi Ha-Gelili 1/3/20
Mishnah Brachot: Introduction to Chapter Eight- Hillel and Shammai 1/8/20
Mishnah Brachot 8:1 The Nature of Kiddush 1/8/20
Mishnah Brachot 8:2 (Part II) 1/15/2020
Mishnah Brachot 8:3 Mayim Acharonim 1/15/20
Mishnah Brachot 8:4-5 Havdalah 1/15/20
Mishnah Brachot 8:7 Birkat HaMazon in the Place where One Eats 1/27/20
Mishnah Brachot 8:8 Bentsching with a Cup of Wine 1/28/20
Mishnah Brachot 9:2 Natural Phenomenon 1/30/20
Mishnayot Rosh Hashana
Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 1:1 Arba'ah Roshei Shanim: Universalism and Particularism 8/22/19
Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 1:2 When the World is Judged 9/3/19
Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 1:4-6 9/3/19
Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 1:8 Psulei Edut D’Rabbanan 9/3/19
Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 1:9 Bi-Moadam: Witnessing the New Moon and Shabbat 9/3/19
Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 2:1 Sectarian Assaults on Kiddush Ha-Chodesh 9/3/2019
Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 2:2-4 Torches and Couriers 9/4/19
Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 2:5-7 The Process of Kiddush HaChodesh 9/5/19
Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 2:8-9 Rabban Gamaliel and Rebbi Yehoshua 9/6/19
Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 3:1 Edut HaChodesh 9/9/19
Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 3:2 Shofar Shel Parah- KiBifnim Dami 9/10/19
Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 3:3 Shofar Shel Rosh HaShanah 9/11/19
Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 3:3-5 Shofar and Chatzotzrot in Mikdash 9/12/19
Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 3:6 Two Dinim- Shofar and Kol Shofar 9/16/19
Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 3:7-8 Kavanah in Shofar, and in General 9/17/19
Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 4:1-2 Shofar on Shabbat; The Transition to Yavneh 9/18/19
4:4 Origins of Two Days of Rosh HaShanah 9/23/19
Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 4:5 Seder Brachot- Kedushat HaYom and Malchiyot 9/24/19
Mishna Rosh HaShanah 4:7 Malchiyot, Zichronot, Shofarot 9/25/19
Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 4:7-8 Shofar During Mussaf, Rabbinic Limits on Shofar 9/26/19
Mishnayot Yomi
Mishnah Brachot 9:1-2 10/03/18
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Mishnah Brachot 9:5 10/7/18
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Mishnah Yomi 1 Cheshvan 5779: Introduction to Masekhet Sanhedrin 10/9/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 1:1-2 10/10/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 1:3-4 10/11/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 1:5 10/14/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 1:6 10/15/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 2:1 Kohen Gadol 10/16/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 2:2 Melech 10/17/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 2:3 Melech Part II 10/18/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 2:4 Melech III: Marriage, Horses, Money, Sefer Torah 10/21/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 2:5 Melech IV 10/22/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 3.1 Zeh Borer 10/23/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 3:2-3 Kiblu Alayhu, Psulei Edut 10/24/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 3.4 Karov, Ohev, Soneh 10/25/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 3.5 Witness Interogation 11/5/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 3.6 Evidence and Witnesses: Principles of Admissibility 11/6/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 4.1 Monetary and Capital Cases- Distinctions and Differences 11/7/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 4.2 Structure of Sanhedrin 11/8/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 4.4 Warning Witnesses- A Life is an Entire World 11/12/18
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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-Rabbi Feldman 4th Yahrzeit 11/13/18
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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-5:1-3 Chakirot and Bedikot 11/14/18
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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-5:4 Further Asymmetries to Acquit 11/18/18
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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-5-5 Adding Judges 11/19/18
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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-6-3 Confession prior to Execution 11/25/18
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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-6:3-5 The Laws of Stoning & Hanging Part I 11/27/18
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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-6-5 Hanging & Human Dignity 11/28/18
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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-6-6 Seperate Buriel Plots, Aninut and Aveilut 11/29/18
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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin 7:1-2 Four Capital Punishments as Mitzvot, and the Procedure of Sereifah 12/3/18
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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-7:3-4 Decapitation and Strangulation 12/4/18
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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-7:4 Animals and Capital Punishment, Birkat HaShem 12/12/18
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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-7:5 Molech, Ov, Yidoni 12/13/18
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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-Mishnah Sanhedrin 7:7 Shabbat and Cursing Parents 12/16/18
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Mishnah Yomi Sanhedrin-7:3a Avodah Zarah 12/17/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 7:7-8 Na’arah Meorasa and Mesit 12/19/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 7:9-10 Mediach and Mechashef 12/20/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin Introduction to Chapter 8: Ben Sorer U’Moreh 12/23/18
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Mishnah Sanhedrin 8:1-2 Ben Sorer U'Moreh- Age, Gender, Consumption of Meat and Wine. 12/24/18
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Mishna Sanhedrin 8:3 12/27/18
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Mishna Sanhedrin 8:5-6 Ben Sorer U'Moreh- Invalidations based on Parents, Process of Warning, Sentencing 12/30/18
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Mishna Sanhedrin 8:6 Ben Sorer u’Moreh Nidon al Shem Sofo 12/31/18
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Mishna Sanhedrin 8:7-8 Ba bi-Machteret and Din Rodef 1/1/19
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Mishna Sanhedrin 9:1 Nisrafin/Neheragin 1/2/19
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Mishna Sanhedrin 9:2-3 Defining Rotzeach, Kipah, Danin bi-Kalah 1/6/19
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Mishna Sanhedrin 9:4-5 1/7/19
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Mishna Sanhedrin 9:6 Kana'im Pogim Bo: Killings of Zealousness 1/8/19
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Mishna Sanhedrin10:1-3 HaChelek: Rambam vs. Bartenua on Definition of Olam HaBa 1/10/19
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Mishna Sanhedrin Perek ha-Chelek 10:4-5 The Wayward City
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Mishna Sanhedrin Chelek 10:6 Ir Ha-Nidachat: Significance of Rechov Ha-Ir, Hekdesh, Balance Destruction of Avodah Zarah with Yishuvo shel Olam1/15/19
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Mishna Sanhedrin 11:4-6 Zaken Mamre, Navi Sheker 1/24/19
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Introduction to Masekhet Makkot 1/27/19
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Masekhet Makkot 1:1 1/28/19
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Masekhet Makkot 1:2-3 Lokeh Eino Mishalem, Mishalshin BiMammon 1/29/19
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Masekhet Makkot 1:4-5 Eidim Zommimin (Continued) 1/30/19
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Masekhet Makkot 1:6-7 Eidim Zommimin (Continued)- Trei Ki’Me’ah, Nigmar HaDin 1/31/19
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Masekhet Makkot 1:8 Nimtza Echad Menem Karov U'Pasul, Monetary vs. Capital Cases, Relationship between Testimony and Warning 2/3/19
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Masekhet Makkot 1:9 Testimony and Witnesses 2/4/19
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Masekhet Makkot 1:10 Capital Punishment in the Crosshairs 2/5/19
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Masekhet Review of Perek 1 2/6/19
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Masekhet Makkot: Introduction to the Second Perek: Categories of Intentionality.
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Masekhet Makkot 2:1 Derech. Yeridah, and Koach Kocho 2/10/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 2:2 2/11/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 2:2 (Continued) Two Versions of Ra’avad on שליח בית דין 2/12/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 2:3 Father and Son, Blind, and Hatred 2/13/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 2:4-5: Ir Miklat, Location, Mitzvah on Beit Din to Clear Path, Role of Talmidei Chachamim, Difference between Cities of Levi'im and Six Designated Cities of Refuge 2/14/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 2:6 The Link to the Kohen Gadol” 2/18/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 2:7 Leaving the Ir Miklat; Techum Ir Miklat; Ilan/Nof; Shechunah L'Shechunah; Levi she'Harag; 2/19/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Mishnah Makkot 2:8 Kavod in Ir Miklat, Taxes, and Serara 2/20/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot Chapter 2: Full Review 2/21/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot Introduction to Chapter Three: Malkut as a Punishment 2/24/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 3:1 Chiyuvei Keritut 2/25/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 3:2 Biryah and Ki-Zayit 2/26/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 3:3 Lav She'Ein Bo Ma'aseh 2/27/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 3:4 Lav ha-NItak La-Aseh 2/28/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 3:5-7 Serita, Koreach, Mashchit,Makif, Keyovet Ka’aka, Nazir 3/5/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 3: 8-9 Nazir B'Giluach V'Tumat Met, Kilayi, Choresh Telem V'Avar B'Shmoneh 3/6/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 3:9-11 Process of Malkot 3/7/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 3:13 Process of Lashes: Shoulders and Heart 3/10/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 3:14 ViNikla Achicha L’Einecha 3/11/19
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Masekhet Mishnah Makkot 3:15 Makkot as Restorative and Transformative 3/12/19
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Thu, January 16 2025
16 Tevet 5785
Today's Calendar
Shacharit : 7:15am |
Daf Yomi : 8:15am |
Mincha/Maariv : 4:40pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Shemot
Shabbat, Jan 18 |
Upcoming Events
February Unity Mission to Kerem Shalom, Feb 18-20th In partnership with Mizrachi and Sulamot, we will spend time with our brothers and sisters in Kerem Shalom, meet with Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon, Rav Doron Perez, MK Matan Kahane and many more inspirational personalities, and engage in meaningful volunteer opportunities.
To register for the mission, please click here https://form.jotform.com/243002522100432.
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Alot Hashachar | 5:52am |
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Chatzot (Midday) | 12:06pm |
Mincha Gedola | 12:30pm |
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