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Mishnah Bikkurim’.
Rabbi Fridman's Recorded Shiurim
Please Scroll Down to see all
Mishnah Bikkurim
Introduction to Masekhet Bikkurim 6/13/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 1:1-2 Bikkurei Admatcha- Ownership as a Prerequisite 6/16/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 1:11 Implied Purchases of Land 7/1/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 2:1 Bikkurim-Terumah Relationship 7/2/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 2:2 Bikkurim and Maaser Sheni 7/3/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 2:3 Bikkurim in Contrast to Terumah and Ma'aser 7/5/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 2:4 "The Seven Special Characteristics of Bikkurim" 7/8/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 2:4 Ya'akov Avinu and the Roots of "Linah" 7/9/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 2:5 Terumat Ma'aser 7/10/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 2:9 Etrog as Yerek and Pri 7/15/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 2:10-12 Restrictions of Blood, and Status of the "Koi" 7/15/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 2:13 Koi and the Parameters of Safek 7/16/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 3:1 Hafrashah Bikkurim: R' Shimon's Remarkable Dissent 7/17/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 3:2 The Journey to Yerushalayim 7/18/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 3:3 The Road to Jerusalem 7/24/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 3:5 Shira of Bikkurim 7/25/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 3:5 Bikkurim Triggering Korban Olah: Rambam vs. Other Rishonim 7/29/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 3:6 The Procedure of Bikkurim: Tenufah, Mikra, Hishtachavaya 7/29/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 3:7 Mikra Bikkurim, and the Humanism of Chazal 7/30/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 3:8 A Poor Man's Basket 7/31/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 3:9 Ittur Bikurim: The Role of Hiddur in Bikkurim 8/1/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 3:10 Bikkurim, Tosefet Bikkurim, and Itur Bikkurim 8/2/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 3:11 Tosefet Bikkurim from Outside of Israel 8/5/19
Mishnah Bikkurim 3:12 Bikkurim as Assets of the Kohen 8/6/19
Thu, January 16 2025
16 Tevet 5785
Today's Calendar
Shacharit : 7:15am |
Daf Yomi : 8:15am |
Mincha/Maariv : 4:40pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Shemot
Shabbat, Jan 18 |
Upcoming Events
February Unity Mission to Kerem Shalom, Feb 18-20th In partnership with Mizrachi and Sulamot, we will spend time with our brothers and sisters in Kerem Shalom, meet with Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon, Rav Doron Perez, MK Matan Kahane and many more inspirational personalities, and engage in meaningful volunteer opportunities.
To register for the mission, please click here https://form.jotform.com/243002522100432.
Upcoming Youth Events
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Alot Hashachar | 5:52am |
Earliest Tallit | 6:24am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 7:18am |
Latest Shema | 9:42am |
Zman Tefillah | 10:30am |
Chatzot (Midday) | 12:06pm |
Mincha Gedola | 12:30pm |
Mincha Ketana | 2:54pm |
Plag HaMincha | 3:54pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 4:54pm |
Tzeit Hakochavim | 5:38pm |
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