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Torah Offerings at JCT 5784

Dear Friend,

One of our core pillars as a kehillah is עמלות בתורה, immersion in Torah study. We have daily and weekly shiurim designed to meet a range of interests and levels. As we begin to look forward to Simchat Torah and the year ahead, please see the range of vibrant and dynamic shiurim which we will be offering this year. We look forward to another year of growth in Torah study, as the engine of our spiritual lives.

Daf Yomi (M-F morning at 8:15 AM, Sunday morning at 7:15 AM)

Join Rabbi Fridman and the Daf Yomi Chaburah for daily learning. Please make special note of the fact that in the beginning of November we will transition to Seder Nezikin, a wonderful time for anyone new to jump into the sea of Torah study.

Chevra Shas (S-Thu between Mincha and Ma’ariv)

Join Rabbi Fridman and the daily mincha/maariv minyan for five minutes of mishnah study, usually covering two mishnayot daily. We have just started Masechet Bava Kamma, and will continue with Bava Metzia and Bava Batra in the months that follow.

Ruvin Fridman Memorial Tanach Series: The Era of Elisha (Monday evenings via Zoom at 8 pm)

Join Rabbi Fridman for a weekly in-depth exploration of Tanach. This year, we will focus on the prophetic career of Elisha HaNavi, beginning with the end of Melachim I and continuing on with the first thirteen chapters of Melachim II.  


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Rabbi Solomon and Bella Gopin Memorial Rambam Shiur (Shabbat mornings 8:25-9)

Join Rabbi Fridman for a weekly iyun shiur on a matter of halacha related to the parshah, based on the piskei halacha of Rambam. This shiur analyzes Rambam’s views through the lens of the classical commentaries, especially Minchat Chinuch, and probes the depth of Rambam’s perspective

Rav Aharon Lichtenstein zt’l Memorial Ramban Shiur 

(Shabbat afternoon between Mincha/Maariv or forty five minutes before Mincha)

Join Rabbi Fridman for an exploration of the limitless profundity of Ramban’s analysis of halakha and parshanut on the weekly parshah. This shiur seeks to identify motifs in Ramban’s thoughts, and to develop his unique panoramic perspective relative to other approaches in Chazal and Rishonim.

Beit Midrash of Teaneck-Jewish Center of Teaneck Partnership

During the course of the week, for those with more flexible schedules, we are thrilled to continue our partnership with the Beit Midrash of Teaneck.  

On Monday and Wednesday mornings, from 10-11, Rabbi Fridman will deliver an iyun gemara shiur for men on Masechet Berachot. Following Rabbi Fridman’s gemara shiur, a rotating Halakha series will be offered from 11 AM-12 PM from leading Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbanim on all matters of halakha. Rabbi Hayyim Angel will deliver a Navi shiur open to both men and women from 12-12:50 PM on Monday and Wednesday.

On Tuesday mornings, Rabbi Fridman delivers a Minchat Chinuch shiur for men from 9:30-10:15 AM, followed by a weekly parshah shiur for men and women from 10:30-11:30 delivered by local Rabbanim from RCBC and other scholars. Tuesday morning’s program is capped by a Jewish history lecture from 11:30-12:30 open to men and women.

Fri, February 7 2025 9 Shevat 5785