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Rabbi Fridman's Drashas thru September 2018

Pesach I 5778: B'Khol Dor V'Dor: Combating the New Anti-Semitism

Click here to read Rabbi Fridman's Shabbat Drashah, March 31.

בכל דור ודור חייב אדם לראות את עצמו כאילו הוא יצא ממצרים

 Re-imagining our Lives, Re-defining the Possible

Click here to read Rabbi Fridman's Drashah from Sunday, April 1.

Shabbat Shemini

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Tazria-Metzorah

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Acharei Mot-Kedoshim

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Emor

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Behar-Bechukotai

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Bamidbar

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Naso

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Beha'alotcha

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Shelach

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Korach

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Chukat

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Balak

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Pinchas

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Matot-Masei

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Chazon Parshat Devarim

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Shoftim

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Ki Teitzei

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Ki Tavo

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Nitzavim

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Shuvah Shabbat VaYelech

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Shabbat Ha'azinu

Please click here to read the weekly Dvar Torah.

Rabbi Fridman Sermon on John McCain-"Elul Lessons from John McCain: A Life of Striving and Service"

Please click here to read 

Thu, January 16 2025 16 Tevet 5785