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Special Chanukah Gratitude Kiddush- sponsors wanted

Saturday, December 9, 2023 26 Kislev 5784

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Dear Friend, Chazal teach us that the days of Chanukah are days for ever increasing expressions of Gratitude to the Almighty for His Providence and the miraculous survival of our Nation and our Torah. As such, please join us for a special Shabbat Chanukah Gratitude Gala Kiddush. Please click here to sponsor for $36 and include a note in the memo regarding what you are grateful for in our community this Chanukah. All sponsors and their gratitude message will be included in a special poster for Shabbat Chanukah.

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Fri, February 7 2025 9 Shevat 5785